Argan Oil Saved My Face!

It is also not advisable to buy argan oil products which have been mixed with toxic ingredients like sulfates, parabens, and chlorides, since these chemicals are not good for the health. You can use it on your skin, face, hair nails, and private areas that you want to moisturize and beautify. You can either use argan oil on scars and stretch marks, straight from the bottle, or you could add a few drops to your favourite moisturiser.

Massage oil into skin until fully absorbed. Natalie Lukaitis of Marie Claire praises Argan oil, explaining that she can see why it got its nickname liquid gold. Premature aging is a serious problem for many people, but by maintaining skin elasticity, argan oil can prevent those typical symptoms of aging. Otherwise, neither Argan oil nor any other all-natural hair treatment out there will benefit you as it should. " Natalie talks about how the naturally occurring fatty acids and Vitamin E go deeper than just helping with damaged hair and splits ends.

I did a fair amount of research and was drawn to Radha's argan oil due to the organic certified label and the cold pressed method of extracting the oil. Before using it, do a patch test by applying a drop of argan oil on your inner arm. Apply the oil to damp hair, making sure to evenly coat all of it. If you blow dry your hair, be sure to hold your hair down as you dry, to create less static.

Vitamin E also helps to speed skin cell turnover rate, meaning new skin faster for a blemish free, smoother complexion. Argan oil contains 80 per cent unsaturated fatty acids, while laboratory testing has shown the oil to have antioxidant effects, neutralising free radical agents, protecting conjunctive tissue and restoring the skin's water-lipid layer, lowering bad cholesterol and increasing good.

It contains fatty acids such as the omega-6, which moisturizes the hair shaft. Thought to strengthen nails, argan oil is sometimes recommended for treatment of brittle nails. Apply a small amount to hair and massage onto scalp. Argan Oil is exceptionally rich in natural Tocopherols (vitamin E) as well as high molecular weight loss with proteins. While I haven't experimented much with essential oils, I have done so with carrier oils, like argan.

Its antioxidant property helps heal damaged skin cells, while the high linoleic acid content reduces inflammation caused by acne. It will easily salvage those split ends and dry hairs left by chemical hair care products. In some cases, it can even reduce the production of sebum, the natural oil in your skin, to leave you with healthier, less acne-prone skin that will delight you. If you suffer from acne, argan oil can help get rid of it.

It is also certified natural and organic by USDA and Ecocert, internationally representing one of the highest standards for organic and natural products. Even if you don't you have skin problems like acne, eczema, wrinkles or scarring, you can take advantage of Argan oil to improve your skin's appearance, making it soft and supple. This Molivera Organics Premium Cold Pressed Argan Oil is the best option for hair, skin, face and nails.

Nearly a decade later, and you're hard-pressed to find a skin or hair SOS that argan oil hasn't been used to treat. If you want to de-clutter your cabinet and simplify your beauty routine, argan oil can become your go-to beauty elixir from head-to-toe for any skin and hair types. Frizz tamer: After showering, rub a few drops of argan oil between your hands, and then work through hair, focusing on the ends. It is placed in skin and hair treatments due to the large number of benefits it provides.

This fragrance free product can be directly used on your skin or hair. By introducing beneficial vitamins and minerals to the skin and hair's upper layers, argan oil seems to strengthen them against the effects of free radicals. Do the math across your entire beauty products armada, and you can see that the decision to buy Argan oil could be the best investment" you've ever made.

It has only just now become part of the essentials of Western women's beauty and health products. Hailing from Morocco, Argan oil has long been a favourite with the beauty brigade for its skin, hair and nail nourishing properties. Argan oil also contains anti-oxidants which help to heal damaged skin cells and reduce inflammation. My hair is so dry I have been using olive oil. Over time, using nail polish remover can strip the natural oils from your nails. You can also look forward to less frizz and split ends when you use premium natural shampoo with argan oil.

When nourishing oils, such as Badger's Argan Hair Oil is applied to damaged hair, it reestablishes its healthy balance and protects hair from heat, chemicals, and UV damage. Argan Oil, along with our Castor Oil, can be used in a daily routine to moisturize and lessen the appearance of imperfections that your skin may have. Add just a couple of drops of argan oil to your food-grade carrier oil of choice (coconut, olive, jojoba, sweet almond, or sesame) to immediately reap all the benefits of this healing natural oil.